Three Years Down, Four to Go?

"My own personal experiences in architecture school have been incredibly enriching – but as I reflect on the past three years and look ahead, I find myself amongst those who are unsure. And I’m okay with that. I think that the world of the built environment is fascinating, and that our building and construction industries are going to become key as we find ourselves in an increasingly green-conscious society. New technologies, economic landscapes and design practices have led to the creation and growth of new schools of thought, redefining the role of the architect in the process. I find myself deeply engrossed in the questions that these changes pose, eager to drive these conversations.
Architecture is not a narrow path – it’s a river that has many tributaries. And while it is true that the costs of the course may be prohibitive to some (see Post Crit), the three-part structure allows for many to branch out – whether that be into other aspects of the built environment or into whole other disciplines."
Reflecting on the last few years of architectural education and looking ahead at the remainder of my journey to qualification for the RIBA's website.