Structure in Two Parts
When prompted to think about structure, our minds almost always drift towards the fixed, the permanent. What drives us towards structure as a fixed position? How does it define us? How does it define our dreams, ambitions, cultures and perceptions of time?
A short piece written in response to the New Architecture Writers programme application process. In this, I attempted to consider the idea of structure through two lenses, the personal and the speculative.
The application for the 2023 co-hort of the New Architecture Writers was utlimately unsuccessful, but the piece led to the development of an event discussing the structure of practice across different disciplines and practices - The Structure of Practice: What Do We Have in Common?
You can read the full piece here.
The application for the 2023 co-hort of the New Architecture Writers was utlimately unsuccessful, but the piece led to the development of an event discussing the structure of practice across different disciplines and practices - The Structure of Practice: What Do We Have in Common?
You can read the full piece here.