Hani Salih Salih

Hani is at the edge of a long list
of disciplines, practices and ideas
connecting the dots.


    Design Researcher in Residence, the Design Museum +   Curator and Moderator, DeDependance   +   Advisor, Theatrum Mundi   +   Insights Group Member, Footwork   +   Board Member, MyPlace Finsbury Park   +    Guest Editor and Strategist, Architecture in Development    +

Hani is at the edge of a long list of disciplines, practices and ideas - connecting the dots. 

Design Researcher in Residence, the Design Museum +   Curator and Moderator, DeDependance   +   Advisor, Theatrum Mundi   +   Insights Group Member, Footwork   +   Board Member, MyPlace Finsbury Park   +    Guest Editor and Strategist, Architecture in Development    +

My Place Finsbury Park 

My Place employs local young people (aged 13-18) to be trained as researchers, advocates and leaders for the diverse communities that they represent. It connects these young leaders with local Planning decision-makers and supports these new partnerships to co-create solutions to community issues, based around a new development or regeneration area. My Place’s method is innovative within place making and regeneration; young people accessing and advocating on behalf of the diverse voices of their wider community, not just other young people, is genuinely pioneering. 

Joined the Advisory Board for My Place Finsbury Park, in 2021, with the aim of helping steer the direction of the platform as well as promoting the organisation’s work more broadly.