Hani Salih Salih

Hani is at the edge of a long list
of disciplines, practices and ideas
connecting the dots.


    Senior Researcher, Quality of Life Foundation   +    Associate Curator, International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam 2024   +   Curator, DeDependance    +   Advisor, Theatrum Mundi   +   Board Member, Design West   +   Insights Group Member, Footwork   +   Board Member, MyPlace Finsbury Park   +    Guest Editor, Architecture in Development    +

Hani is at the edge of a long list of disciplines, practices and ideas - connecting the dots. 

Senior Researcher, Quality of Life Foundation   +    Associate Curator, International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam 2024   +   Curator, DeDependance    +   Advisor, Theatrum Mundi   +  Board Member, Design West   +   Insights Group Member, Footwork   +   Board Member, MyPlace Finsbury Park   +    Guest Editor, Architecture in Development    +

Nature of Hope


Under the title Nature of Hope, the 11th edition of the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (IABR) examines nature, culture and hope from the perspective of architectural thought and action, as a driving force for social change. What does it take to face uncertainty about the future in a time of profound and multiple transformations – in other words, what are the building blocks we need to remain hopeful?

IABR 2024 took place from 29th June to 13th October 2024 and will focus on a combination of hope and nature. This choice stems from the recognition that everything begins with the Earth and that our exploitation – or rather, depletion – of the Earth, each other, and the living world is leading to multiple ecological and social crises. As humans, we can no longer place ourselves above or at a distance from nature and nor do we wish to. How can we put the knowledge and practices of spatial design at the service of the planet and all the creatures that live on it?

Joined the curatorial team for the 2024 edition of the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (IABR). The Biennale looked to consider the nature of hope from a place of pragmatism, asking what the architecture and built environment sector can learn and how the future of practice that is oriented towards a just and ecological architecture looks like.

For more information on the show, visit the Nature of Hope website.

How Humanity Discovered its Own Extinction


From forecasts of disastrous climate change to prophecies of evil AI superintelligences and the impending perils of genome editing, our species is increasingly concerned with the prospects of its own extinction. Less and less does the end of humanity’s future on this planet seem an area of lurid fantasy or remote speculation.  But how did this come about? When did our obsession about the end start? And what does tracing back this history teach us about our current predicament?

Part of an ongoing collaboration with Dutch platform DeDependance,  we invited Thomas Moynihan to speak about his book X-RISK: How Humanity Discovered Its Own Extinction alongside Dutch philosopher Lisa Doeland, author of Apocalypsofie.

This event was part of a collaboration iwth Architecture Institute Rotterdam (AIR) and was part of Rotterdam Architecture Month. 

For this event, I curated and moderated the discussion in collaboration with DeDependance. 

The Hysterical Gearswitch


Where to begin? I have asked myself this a dozen times, gazing at a blank page. As if I needed to find the one, the only sentence that would give me entry into writing. Remove all doubts in one fell swoop - a sort of key. The meaning is sustained in the ooh and ah of a vowel on its way out. The word pertaining to the body. To ask 'why write' is to ask why breathe.
Contributed to and designed a collective publication as part of the FIELDNOTES Evening School programme. 

You can read the publication here.

The Rent Emergency


The past two decades have seen the gap between the poorest and wealthiest grow into a chasm. The stripping of social safety nets has paved the way for the stripping of public assets for profit. Nowhere has this been more evident than in Britain’s housing market. Today, the commodification and wholesale financialisation of housing has had a profound global impact on access to secure and truly affordable housing, an issue all too visible in the Netherlands as well. 

Vicky Spratt traces decades of bad decisions to show how and why the British dream of home ownership has withered and the safety net of social housing has unravelled. She has spent years talking with those on the frontline all around the country, illuminating the ways this national emergency cuts across generations, class and education. Going onto to explore how the crisis is devastating our health, destroying communities and transforming the social, economic and political landscape beyond recognition. In her book, Tenants: The People on the Frontline of Britiain’s Housing Emergency, Vicky also shows that radical action is possible, and that there are real steps we can take to give everyone the chance at having a good home. 

Part of an ongoing collaboration with Dutch platform DeDependance,  we invited Vicky Spratt to speak about her book Tenants: The People on the frontline of Britain’s Housing Emergency alongside Dutch housing activist Melissa Koutouzis.

For this event, I curated and moderated the discussion in collaboration with DeDependance. 

The Structure of Practice 


A discussion that brings together different ideas around structure. Bringing together thinkers, architects and artists to talk about how each of them uses structure to find commonality. With each of the speakers in active dialogue with the work and practice of the other, the discussion will centre on the following questions: Where are the overlaps? Where are the differences? What can we learn from each of these different disciplines of creating and shaping commonality?

The aim of this event is to question ideas around structure in all its forms (physical or organisational structures for example), going further in trying to find commonalities between different concepts and practices of structure. From practical considerations, such as how you can find a common ground between the needs of your client and the context you’re designing for, to more systemic challenges such as finding a common ground between the need for housing and industrial land in London, for example.

Following an invitation from London Festival of Architecture, I curated, produced, promoted and moderated an evening centred around a discussion between practitioners from a mixture of disciplines (Saeed Taji Farouky, Takako Hasegawa and Fiona MacDonald), to discuss how they approach structure (Whether physical, organisational or otherwise) in their respective disciplines.